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Sunday, December 16, 2007

working through it

Well I have court on Tuesday to see about custody, I have a strong case...and worse case I get more visitations. Therefore I can be a more informed, better father.
I got a few e-mails about people wanting to help, and just so that I can give something easy for every one to do, easiest thing would be to write your congressmen, governor, president any one in any kind of power. I think if we keep pointing out the mistreatment and uneven playing field men have to stand on I think we will get somewhere. I live in Illinois, and have written my congressmen, Governor, and dropped a letter off at Hilary and Obamahs offices. I think people are mainly unaware that fathers struggle so much, the ones who struggle, struggle alone. They don’t seek help like women do, its not socially acceptable for a man to say I cant make it, where as a woman is expected to get help, from daddy or the government.
I did a project in school and part of it was I simply listed all the programs that are available to single mothers, then I did it for teenage single mothers. That list was several pages long, and then I listed the programs for fathers.... I came up with one in California, for fathers fighting for custody of their kids...nothing else...just one program.
I think once we show people the problem, good people will want to help. The government will be required to help, the law is outdated the law is wrong, the mother is no longer the "best choice" all the time, and the father cant make it on his own when every one else is getting help. It’s like the quarterback taking on the football team, yeah he’s the most important player, but he’s worthless against so many challenges.
I'm not saying all fathers need help, I know there are some bad ones, but lately you hear more about bad mothers then bad fathers. Like I said I’m working on a plan to start the program, but its just plan (if you would like to be involved in that just leave ideas or sections to help out but keep in mind it must be national, I’m not trying to change one state, for all of them are equally lacking)
Once I start getting the program laid out ill start a section for it, or a web link to its page. I have a break form school now so I plan on devoting some