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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Idea

Here's my idea start a group that's there to advocate single fathers, help them out.
lawyer fees are almost out of reach for most single fathers, especially young ones the laws are set up for men, who have full time jobs and are done with school and book expenses.
i think allot of these laws need revised furthermore allot of people see the disadvantages of not having a male role model but rarely are fathers counseled on how to be one, i know cause ever one, and i mean everyone told me to run, join the army and get out of town...and i didn't i stayed and i have been battling it out one swing at a time. she gets More help them me, it just makes me more driven, but i know a lot of men who would run and have ran. can you blame them? after paying your child support i have 50% of my paycheck gone that means i get paid once a month then i have to live on that...that means gas food insurance( me and my son) and a lawyer. if you have ever paid for a lawyer you know that's not possible,but i want to get a group of lawyers together that will do the custody battles for a pay over time, or at least make a list of good lawyers(it took me 4 lawyers before i could get one to do something reasonable) this will all take a lot of time but with most programs worth having, they have to start somewhere with someone. I'm laying the ground work please feel free to suggest what i should do to make it better, i need all the help i can get.

1 comment:

dwittdwitt said...

I am not sure what area you live in but I would be interested to see if I can assist you in your quest. I live in the state of Washington.